Go Into the New Year Organized!

A group of friends enjoying themselves

As the saying goes, new year, new storage organization system, right? Even if getting organized in the new year isn’t the first item on your list of resolutions, finding a system to organize your belongings is a great way to take a fresh start heading into the year. These tip from Compass Self Storage will help you get a start on organizing for the new year for a fresh start in your home. 

Use the KonMari system – if the item doesn’t bring you joy, release it.

Introduced in Marie Kondo’s book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up,” the KonMari Method is an approach that can help you declutter your home based on each item’s sentimental value. This organization method centers on only keeping items that hold value to you. Begin by bringing all items of a certain category together, for example books, hold each one in your hands and decide if it sparks joy in your life. If so, set it aside and organize it when you’re done with each category. If not, set it aside in a pile to donate or throw away.

Make a list of the areas that need to be cleared one-by-one

Organizing your entire home is a daunting task, especially when you step back and take in how many items you have occupying your space. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by the mess ahead, create a list for each room or area of your home that you plan to organize. By separating each room into its own space on a checklist, you’ll tackle each space on its own before moving on to the next. In addition to separating your spaces by room, consider adding subcategories such as bedroom closet, pantry, and mudroom to break your list down into manageable chunks of time.

Make 3 piles: Keep, Donate, Toss.

A donation boxes


This may seem like an obvious tip; however, you’ll want to make sure you’re separating your items into three distinct categories as you go through your space: Keep, donate, and toss. For items that serve a purpose in your life, set these into a pile to keep and organize them as soon as you’re finished sorting through a section of your home. For example, after you’ve gone through all of the items in your dresser and separated them into piles, organize your clothing and place it back inside before moving on. 


For items that are donated, do your research to find an organization in your community that would most benefit from the items. If you have business professional clothing, contact an organization that provides clothing for interviews for those who are jobless. For reading materials, consider donating to a nearby school. 


Items that are old and worn and cannot be repurposed or donated should be tossed. Make sure to follow instructions for discarding materials such as batteries, paint, and electronics that cannot be thrown away with your normal trash. 

Call Compass for Sentimental Item Storage

Sentimental belongings have added value and decluttering and organizing these items can be an emotional task. Set aside time specifically for organizing sentimental items in your home such as photographs, clothing passed down by loved ones, and family jewelry. Our Compass team can walk you through what size unit you would need for the items you’re looking to save.

You can hold onto them in your unit for as long as you’d like and keep your mementos safe.

Find your nearest Compass Self Storage location and find the self storage solutions you need to reclaim your space as you head into a new year full of new opportunities and adventures.  
